Happy 30th Lovie!

I’m writing a very happy birthday blog to my best friend Tannith today!


What an amazing lady you are Tannith.  I so appreciate the kindness you offer to me, the time you spend despite being a super busy mom and wife, and the true friendship that we have.  Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we’ve only been this close for four years!  I can’t imagine my life without you in it.  You make everyone around you a better person plus you bring such joy to other’s lives.


I think the best thing about you is that you constantly cheer others on, because you genuinely care for other’s successes and happiness.  You have been there for me when basically no one but my mom was in my corner.  You have walked beside me, dragged me, and helped me through so many days.  I just want you to know that you are so special to me and the friendship we have is something I’m so grateful for each day.


Cheers to 30!  I know that this side of 30 will be the best and that the potential you have will lead you to exactly what continues to make you the best person I know.


Thank you for being you Tannith, you smart, funny, delightful wizard you!  I love you girl! I’m so happy to be in your life. Have such an awesome day. ❤


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